2009年9月8日 星期二






Its like coming home.

You only get that feeling of being at home in Barcelona.
the feeling of + ... (...的感覺)

Doesn't feel like you're in a city, right? There's the sea and the mountains.

It's small, but it doesn't feel small.

I live here with my family because its the best place for my kids.

It's alive, the city's alive.

Barcelona is Energy. You never get down in Barcelona. Zero stress!
get down (感到沮喪)

Just great!

It feels good here, very welcoming.
welcoming (a. 歡迎的, 款待的 )

I really feel comfortable here, I dont feel like a forienger.

Its not a city with just one colour.

It's a very modern city full of culture and tradition.
full of + ... ( 充滿了... )
ex: I send you a message full of love

People have a sense of order here but they're also spontaneous and creative.
sense of + ... ( 什麼什麼感 )
ex: a sense of loss 失落感

ex: a sense of responsibility 責任感
ex: a good sense of humor有不錯的幽默感

spontaneous (a. 自發的, 自然的)
Barcelona is constantly trying to improve, it never stop.

constantly (adv. 不斷地)

It's a top destination for Europeans and those looking for a new home.

It's a 24hr city.

the gateway to europe.

people work hard and they have fun.

It's one of the few cities that you could leave work at 10pm and enjoy a nice dinner with friends.
one of the + ...s (...之一)
ex: one of my favorite books

No fast-food but authentic cuisine.
authentic (a. 真實的, 道地的)
cuisine /kwɪz'in/(n. 料理)

There's a balance between work and leisure.

I just love the markets; there's great energy and life; it's like a big meeting place.

Watching a Barca match with 100,000 people shouting gives you a feeling of unity.

I've never felt that before anywhere.

Living in Barcelona allows me to develoop professionally without compromising my personal life.
compromise (v. 妥協, 放棄原則)

My future: 100% with Barcelona.

I have everything here. My life is here.

"Cities, like companies, are what their people are."

We wish to thank the participants, who have lived in the city of Barcelona for years, for voluntarily dedicating their time and offering their particular version.
participant (n. 參予者) 動詞是participate

voluntarily (adv. 自願地)

dedicate (v. 貢獻, 奉獻, 獻)
這個單字很長在書本前面或是歌曲前面看到"this book/song dedicate to + 人",這首歌或這本書僅獻給...

offer v. 提供



Travel 特別用於到遠方或長時間的旅行,多用動詞表示。

ex: I travelled from Sant'Arsenio to Turin'


ex: 'he returned home to Sant'Arseno after years of foriegn travel.'


ex: 'did you visit Jakarta during your travels in South-East Asia?'.


ex: They've all finished their journey (not 'travel') now.

還有另外一個單字叫 voyage,跟journey一樣的意思,不過指的是海上的journey.

ex: The voyage from America to France used to take two months. 從美國到法國的航海,過去要花兩個月的時間

trip 指的是短途旅行,或在另一地僅度過一小段時間後即返回的旅行。

ex: make a business trip to + ...   到...出差
ex: we're going on a weekend trip to France next month

英文裡還有許多有關旅行的片語,比如說要祝福別人旅行一路順利,妳可以說'have a good trip!', 'have a safe journey!' or 'bon voyage!'
學生的校外教學叫作 'school trip'.

