2009年9月10日 星期四

Suzanne Vega - Caramel

This song is another new song.

It's ... It's about something sweet that you would like to have...
and that you know you should not ....... have it



It won't do
to dream of caramel,
to think of cinnamon
and long for you.

It won't do
to stir a deep desire,
to fan a hidden fire
that can never burn true.

I know your name,
I know your skin,
I know the way
these things begin;

But I don't know
how I would live with myself,
what I'd forgive of myself
if you don't go.

So goodbye,
sweet appetite,
no single bite
could satisfy...

I know your name,
I know your skin,
I know the way
these things begin;

But I don't know
what I would give of myself,
how I would live with myself
if you don't go.

It won't do
to dream of caramel,
to think of cinnamon
and long
for you.

2009年9月9日 星期三


In this unbearable summer heat, nothing can cool you down better than a yummy frozen treat!

While you gulp down that cold beverage or ice cream, however, don't forget that it is taking a toll on your health, as well as your waistline. Drinks like tea, soda and sweetened fruit juices are often loaded with sugar, and it's likely that you're taking in more calories than you think. it is wise to choose calorie treats, and try to substitute water for sweetened drinks whenever you can. You also can make your own healthy frozen snacks by freezing fresh fruits, such as berries and grapes.

Another good idea is to pour fresh fruit juices or yogurt into molds and put them in the freezer for easy and healthy popsicles(冰棍?). Throw seasonal fruits into a blender and mix them for a delicious puree filled with vitamins and less sugar. However, even with these healthier versions, doctors have advised against over-consming frozen foods. For people with diabetes, stomach ulcers or other chronic diseases, cold treats can cause reactions such as headaches, stomachaches or high blood pressure and should be consumed in moderation.


unbearable /ənb'ɛrəbəl/
adj. 無法忍受的
bear除了當"熊"之外,還有"忍受"的意思。ex: I can't bear it anymore. 我無法再忍受了


How Tired I am of this...
unbearable distance between us..
How I long for the toll of the recess bell..
Have you forgotten me? Grown mindless of me?
Tell me I am not writing into an abyss..
or that is what will become of my heart...

* abyss 是深淵的意思,
* recess bell 是下課鐘聲

*long for 渴望

gulp down
Gulping down cold water immediately can cause stomach disconfort. 運動之後立刻狂灌冰水會造成胃部不適
any type of drink except water (除水以外的)飲料
或是也可以用drinks這個字,比如說無酒精飲料稱為Soft Drinks。
take a toll on + ...
Being overweight will take a toll on your health. 體重過重會危害妳的健康
n. 腰圍
substitute /'sʌbstəˈtut/
v. 取代
1. substitute A by B -- 以B代替A

2. substitute A for B -- 以A代替B
n. 莓
這個字有很多種組合,草莓 strawberry,藍莓 blueberry,黑莓 blackberry。總之這個字就是莓。
v. 傾倒
哦!這個字又出現了唷! pouring rain!
n. 模子
n. 冷凍庫
a. 季節性的
1. seasonal fruit 季節性水果
2. seasonal flu 季節性感冒
n. 食物攪拌器
puree /pju're/
n. (水果或蔬菜壓制成的) 醬或泥
diabetes /daɪə'bitiz/
n. 糖尿病 
ulcers /'ʌlsɚ/
n. 潰瘍
a. 慢性的
有一個長得很像的單字叫 chronicle,雖然很像意思卻差很多。chronicle 有編年史,日誌 的意思。
前陣子的電影納尼亞傳奇就是用了這個單字 "The Chronicles of Narnia"
in moderation
Due to high blood pressure, I could only drink coffee in moderation. 因為罹患高血壓,我只能適量的喝咖啡。



pecan 胡桃
我在看影集的時候,裡面就有一個人物很喜歡吃pecan pie!

raisin 葡萄乾
妳不愛, 妳說很臭的東西,哈。

oatmeal 燕麥粉;燕麥片




Brownie 布朗尼
"Brownie是介於巧克力蛋糕及餅乾之間的甜點。 質 感比蛋糕濃密, 口 感比餅乾鬆軟。Brownie 小小一塊 濃郁芬芳,使用巧克力品質種類,影響大。"(here)
(here) is the recipe of the Brownie above

cinnamon 肉桂

pudding 布丁

vanilla 香草
一想到這個字就會讓我想到香草冰淇淋(Vanilla-flavored ice cream)

之前也有一部電影叫做"香草天空(Vanilla Sky)"。

caramel 焦糖

tart就是蛋塔(egg tart)的塔,我猜tart的意思大概就是只要外圍有像蛋塔那樣波浪的一圈餅皮的,就叫做tart。有很多種tart,有fruit tart, chese tart, egg tart, apple tart, lemon tart,很多很多。

crisp有"酥脆的"的意思,像洋芋片就叫作potato crisps。

doughnut 甜甜圈
哈,這個字應該很熟悉才對,Mr. Doughnut。

sobret 雪泥
Sorbet is a frozen fruit dessert typically made with a sweetener and a fruit puree.

smoothie 凍飲

recipe: (here)

mousse 慕斯

yogurt 優格


2009年9月8日 星期二






Its like coming home.

You only get that feeling of being at home in Barcelona.
the feeling of + ... (...的感覺)

Doesn't feel like you're in a city, right? There's the sea and the mountains.

It's small, but it doesn't feel small.

I live here with my family because its the best place for my kids.

It's alive, the city's alive.

Barcelona is Energy. You never get down in Barcelona. Zero stress!
get down (感到沮喪)

Just great!

It feels good here, very welcoming.
welcoming (a. 歡迎的, 款待的 )

I really feel comfortable here, I dont feel like a forienger.

Its not a city with just one colour.

It's a very modern city full of culture and tradition.
full of + ... ( 充滿了... )
ex: I send you a message full of love

People have a sense of order here but they're also spontaneous and creative.
sense of + ... ( 什麼什麼感 )
ex: a sense of loss 失落感

ex: a sense of responsibility 責任感
ex: a good sense of humor有不錯的幽默感

spontaneous (a. 自發的, 自然的)
Barcelona is constantly trying to improve, it never stop.

constantly (adv. 不斷地)

It's a top destination for Europeans and those looking for a new home.

It's a 24hr city.

the gateway to europe.

people work hard and they have fun.

It's one of the few cities that you could leave work at 10pm and enjoy a nice dinner with friends.
one of the + ...s (...之一)
ex: one of my favorite books

No fast-food but authentic cuisine.
authentic (a. 真實的, 道地的)
cuisine /kwɪz'in/(n. 料理)

There's a balance between work and leisure.

I just love the markets; there's great energy and life; it's like a big meeting place.

Watching a Barca match with 100,000 people shouting gives you a feeling of unity.

I've never felt that before anywhere.

Living in Barcelona allows me to develoop professionally without compromising my personal life.
compromise (v. 妥協, 放棄原則)

My future: 100% with Barcelona.

I have everything here. My life is here.

"Cities, like companies, are what their people are."

We wish to thank the participants, who have lived in the city of Barcelona for years, for voluntarily dedicating their time and offering their particular version.
participant (n. 參予者) 動詞是participate

voluntarily (adv. 自願地)

dedicate (v. 貢獻, 奉獻, 獻)
這個單字很長在書本前面或是歌曲前面看到"this book/song dedicate to + 人",這首歌或這本書僅獻給...

offer v. 提供



Travel 特別用於到遠方或長時間的旅行,多用動詞表示。

ex: I travelled from Sant'Arsenio to Turin'


ex: 'he returned home to Sant'Arseno after years of foriegn travel.'


ex: 'did you visit Jakarta during your travels in South-East Asia?'.


ex: They've all finished their journey (not 'travel') now.

還有另外一個單字叫 voyage,跟journey一樣的意思,不過指的是海上的journey.

ex: The voyage from America to France used to take two months. 從美國到法國的航海,過去要花兩個月的時間

trip 指的是短途旅行,或在另一地僅度過一小段時間後即返回的旅行。

ex: make a business trip to + ...   到...出差
ex: we're going on a weekend trip to France next month

英文裡還有許多有關旅行的片語,比如說要祝福別人旅行一路順利,妳可以說'have a good trip!', 'have a safe journey!' or 'bon voyage!'
學生的校外教學叫作 'school trip'.

2009年9月4日 星期五

Good Student No.1

哈 對我有一些些用處喔
反正上班就是上班 加減學一點 還不錯
我就不附上全部的歌詞 我只用對我來說的新東西

Rihanna - Take A Bow
applause[ə'plɔz]  - greet sb with applause ( greet[grit] )
dumb[dʌm] - 不說話的
take a bow[bo] - 謝幕之類的
sprinkler['sprɪŋklɚ] - 整個跟sparkler['spɑrklɚ]搞混
sprinkler - 灑水(等)的人[東西]
sparkler - 閃閃發光的東西

in my note~

Take that - How Deep Is Your Love
pour[pɔr, por, pυr] - pouring就變成了很大雨的意思
saviour - 最近也有部電影是它

Mariah Carey - Bye Bye
obviously[ɑbvɪəslɪ] -
tuck[tʌk] - tuck a child (up) in bed

in my note~

Ne-Yo - Because Of You
doubt[daυt] - 以前有個團體是No Doubt
addiction[ə'dɪkʃən] - 又是句屁話了
concern[kən'sɝn] - with [without] concern 擔心[不擔心]
obsession[əb'sεʃən] - 掉下去了的感覺

Linkin Park - Bleed It Out
grenade[grɪ'ned] - 手榴彈,應該是用不到的詞啦
filthy[fɪlθɪ] - 不太正面的詞

2009年9月3日 星期四


Chung Yuan Festival

According to Taoist beliefs, Chung Yuan Pudu originated on the birthday of the Chinese Guardian of Hell, the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, who governs all matters in the underworld and decreed an amnesty out of mercy so all the wandering ghosts could be released back to the mortal world from hell on the 1st of the seventh lunar month to enjoy the offerings prepared by the living for one month so they might be rescued and converted to "The Way".

/bɪ'lif/ n.
解釋: a strong feeling that sth/sb exists or is true相信;
1. belief in democracy 對民主的篤信
解釋: something that you believe, especially as part of your religion 信仰;宗教信仰
1. religious/political beliefs 宗教╱政治信仰

/əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt/ v.
解釋: appear for the first time in a particular place or situation 起源;發源
1. The word originated as a marketing term. 這個詞原本是營銷術語。
-- origin n. 起源 
-- 加上 al之後變成形容詞 original a. 原始的 最初的
-- 再加上 ity 變成名詞 originality n. 創意, 獨創性


-al結尾得有很多都是從名詞演變過來的形容詞, 比如說 emotion 變成 emotional, nation 變成 national, history 變成 historical

順帶一提,-tion結尾的字都是名詞,比如說intend 變成 intention,apply 變成appliction,inform 變成information,attract 變成 attraction 。之前我好像有提過,也許吧,忘了。


n. 守護者

a. 陰歷的, 月亮的

v. 統治, 掌管, 管理

1. Who really governs this country? 誰真正統治著這個國家? 
decreed an amnesty
 好難的單字,我不會... amnesty是大赦, 前面那個我不會

out of mercy
在這裡的意思是"出自於憐憫/寬恕",所以out of 除了"在...之外"也有"出於"的意思。

the wandering ghosts

wandering [ˈwɑndərɪŋ]
v. 漫步,徘徊;迷路,迷失方向 

1. The police found the wandering boy in a deserted building. 警察在一棟廢棄的樓裡找到了這個流浪的男孩。


wondering [ˈwʌndərɪŋ]
a. 覺得奇怪的;疑惑的
1. If you wonder about something, you think about it
這個單字在口語裡很常用到,如果妳想要表達"我在想....",就可以用 "I was wondering ....",記得在這邊要使用過去式was,我沒有思考過為什麼,不過大家都是這麼用。
舉個例來說,如果我想要搭訕,我就可以過去跟那個女生說"excuse me miss, I was wondering if I can buy you a drink?"

或是你想表達"妳在思考某件事情" ,就可以用
"I was wondering about + ... "。


a. that cannot live for ever and must die 不能永生的;終將死亡的
文章裡的mortal world 指的就是凡間吧。
mortal的相反詞是 immortal 不死的,打電動很常看到的一個字。

rescue /ˈreskju/
v. If you rescue someone, you get them out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation. 援救;搶救

1. He rescued a child from drowning. 他救起了一名落水兒童。
n. 搶救;獲救
1. We had given up hope of rescue. 我們那時已經放棄了獲救的希望。

v. 轉變,轉換


Your  Note:

duck 鴨子
A duck is a female duck. The male is called a drake.

treat 有很多種意思,今天我們提到的是"招待, 款待"。

我請客 -- 1.  It's my treat.   2.  Be my guest.  3.   It's on me.


It's on the house.  意思是"免費招待"。

treat的另外一個意思是 "以...的方式/態度對待"
比如說,妳想抱怨"為什麼妳這樣對我",可以說"Why You Treat Me Like This ?"。
或者可以強硬一點,用命令的口氣"不要把我當笨蛋一樣對待", "Don't treat me like a fool. "。


今天來學一點簡單的文法,Simple Passive(簡單被動式)。

我稍微解釋一下,被動式分為兩種,一種是Simple Passive,一種是Continuous passives( 連續時間的被動式 )。



BBS這個單元叫做 GRAMMAR CHALLANGE,每個單元都會有一個挑戰者,去挑戰這個文法。所謂的挑戰,就是在聽完講解之後,主持人會問挑戰者問題,挑戰者要回答主持人出的文法問題。



比如說主持人問說 If i said, "BBC makes GRAMMER CHANLLEGE." 然後要挑展者把這句話改成被動式。


past participle 就是動詞變化裡的 P.P。英文的動詞變化很簡單,只有三種 "現在 過去 PP",時態很重要的,之後我再找一個常用的動詞三態變化表給妳。時態有的要死背,我沒有有趣的學習法,哈,我的西班牙文動詞變化也背得很辛苦。

Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry

da da da da

The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your hometown
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
Be with myself in center, clarity, peace, serenity

I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We got some straightening out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've gotta get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry, Dont cry, Dont cry

The path that I'm walking, I must go alone
I must take the baby steps till I'm full grown
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending do they
And I forseek the dark ahead if I stay

I hope you know, I hope you know

That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We got some straightening out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've gotta get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry

Like a little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
I'll be your best friend
And you'll be my valentine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
Cuz I wanna hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself in center, clarity, peace, serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We got some straightening out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've gotta get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry, Dont cry, Dont cry

da da da da da da


2009年9月1日 星期二


Crystal Renn

Renn started her modeling career in high fashion at the age of 14 after being told to lose almost a third of her total body weight. This weight loss eventually triggered a health crisis, causing her to reassess her diet and exercise habits. After gaining 70 pounds (32 kg) and re-emerging as a U.S. size 12, she was re-marketed by her agents as a plus-size model, and now enjoys a highly successful career.

at the age of ...
解釋: 在...歲的時候
要表示我在十歲的時候...,可以用 I ... at the age of ten., 也可以用 I ... while i was 10

a third of ...
解釋: 三分之一的...
如果是二分之一呢?通常是用 a halfone half,不可以像三分之一用a second 和 one second,因為second也有秒的意思,a second就變成一秒了。至於三分之二則是two third,總之妳只要記得,表達分數的時候分子用數字分母用序數,如五分之三就是three fifths

reassess /ˈriə'sɛs/
解釋: to think again about sth to decide if you need to change your opinion of it 重新考慮;再次評價
1. you have to reassess the definition of friendship

adv. 最後,終於
1. He fell ill and eventually died. 他得了病,最後去世了。

trigger /ˈtrɪɡə(r)/
解釋:  to make sth happen suddenly ,trigger原指槍枝的板機,扣板機 叫作 pull the trigger。所以引申成為觸發、引起的意思。
1. The odour of food may be a trigger for man's appetite. 食物的香味能引起人的食欲。

diet /ˈdaɪət/
n. the food that you eat and drink regularly 日常飲食
n. a limited variety or amount of food that you eat for medical reasons or because you want to lose weight 節食
1. diet drinks(= with fewer calories than normal) 低熱量飲料
2. I decided to go on a diet(= to lose weight)before my holiday. 我決定在休假前開始節食

exercise habits

v. 增加,增進,增長
1. gain some wisdom 增加一點智慧





fool 愚笨的人,傻瓜
1. you are a fool
2. a silly fool
3. little fool - fool前面加了一個little就比較親暱一點,哈,有點像小笨蛋。
4. you little fool
5. stupid little fool
6. poor little fool

stupid 傻子,笨蛋。

idiot 白癡
moron 蠢貨
retarded 智缺,弱智
dumb 愚蠢的
dumb ass
dull 笨呆傻人
jerk 垃圾人,廢物人,犯賤人
crap 廢物



Billie Holiday -"I'm a Fool to Want You"

I'm a fool to want you
To want a love that can't be true
A love that's there for others too
I'm a fool to hold you
Such a fool to hold you
To seek a kiss not mine alone
To share a kiss that Devil has known
Time and time again I said I'd leave you
Time and time again I went away
But then would come the time when I would need you
And once again these words I had to say
Take me back, I love you
...I need you
I know it's wrong, it must be wrong

But right or wrong I can't get along

Without you

Fefe Dobson - Kiss me Fool
Tell me who should I be to make you love me?

Tell me what does it mean to be alone?
Can’t you see me standing, staring, out from a distance,
Hear my cry if you’d only listen
Out of focus into me and you

Kiss me fool if you care
If your words have better meaning
Playing it cool is so unfair
Why this veil of secrecy?
God, forbid, friends found out what we did
Why can’t someone like you be with someone like me...?

Tell me who should I be to make you love me?
Tell me what does it mean to be alone?
Can’t you see me standing staring out from a distance,
Hear my cry if you’d only listen
Out of focus into Me and You.

Touch me fool if you’re allowed
I’ll be dancing in the corner
It’s so cruel to play it proud
Take your hands and cover me
I’m, aware that all in love is fair
But that’s no reason to make me feel this way....

Tell me who should I be to make you love me?
Tell me what does it mean to be alone?
Can’t you see me standing, staring, out from a distance,
Hear my cry if you’d only listen
Out of focus into me and you

And it hurts me so bad to deny it ooohhooohh
These feelings are out of control
Do you know what its like to want something so bad?
And than, having to let it go
And it hurts me to know that this time in our lives
So soon will be in the past (hoo hooo hooo)

And this game of pretending and playing it cool
Never knowing, never knowing,
Never knowing what we should have had...!
Tell me who should I be to make you love me?
Tell me what does it mean to be alone?

You’ve got me wondering if I’m
Good enough?
Pretty enough?
Giving enough?
Special enough?
Tell me who should I be to make you love me?

Who should I be?
Who should I be?
To make you love me.(X4)