n. 失眠
Something About Fart
When you eat, you don't swallow just your food. You also swallow air, which contains gases like nitrogen and oxygen. Small amounts of these gases travel through your digestive system as you digest your food.
Other gases like hydrogen, carbon dioxide (the gas that makes soda fizzy), and methane are made when food is broken down in the large intestine.
All of these gases in the digestive system have to escape somehow, so they come out as farts!
v. 吞,嚥
1. take a swallow of water 喝一口水.
n. 氮氣
n. 氧氣
n. 氫氣
carbon dioxide
n. 二氧化碳(carbon就是碳的意思)
n. 甲烷
digestive system
n. 消化系統
消化餅也是用這個字,digestive biscuits
n. 腸
1. large intestine 大腸
2. small intestine 小腸
vi. 逃走,逃跑,逃脫
敏感 = Sensitive Skin
正常肌 = Normal Skin
痘痘 = Pimple或Acne Skin
油性肌 = Oily Skin
乾燥肌 = Dry skin
混合肌 = Combination
老化肌 = Aging skin
頭髮 = Hair
毛孔 = Pore
開放性粉刺、黑頭粉刺 = Open Comedo
閉鎖性粉刺、白頭粉刺 = Closed Comedo
乳液 = Lotion
霜 = Cream
油膏 = Ointment
化妝水 = Lotion或Toner(後者只用在化妝水)
液體 = Liquid(常接化妝水或卸妝液)
溶劑 = Solution(不是乳液就是化妝水)
精華液 = Serum
精油 = Essential Oil
花水、純露 = Hydrosol或Floral water
肥皂(傳統偏鹼性) = Soap
肥皂(塊狀洗面乳) = Bar
慕斯 = Foam(通常是用在洗面乳)
粉 = Powder
撕劑 = Peel(常用在拔粉刺的撕除面膜上)
面膜 = Mask
凝膠 = Gel
棒狀 =Stick(常用在棒狀護唇膏、遮瑕膏上)
噴霧劑 = Spray
洗臉 = Cleansing
卸妝 = Make-up remover或Cleansing (make-up就是化妝的意思,wear make-up)
收斂劑 = Astringent
美白 = Whitening
抗老 = Anti-Aging
抗氧化 = Anti-Oxidant ( anti- 有"防止"的意思 )
保濕 = Moisture、Moisturizing、Hydration、Hydrating ( mousturize 這個字也頗常使用, 使濕潤)
抗皺 = Anti-Wrinkle或Anti-Aging、Anti-Age
除斑、去疤 = Anti-Blemish
殺菌 = Antibacterial
沐浴乳 = Body Wash
洗手乳 = Hand Wash
去角質 = Scrub或Exfoliation :)
按摩 = Massage
護唇膏 = Lip balm、Chapstick
防曬 = Sunblock
仿曬 = Sunless tan(仿曬和防曬相反,擦了會變黑的,瓶子上看到tan的就是了)
果酸 = Fruit acids或AHAs
水楊酸 = Salicylic acid
維他命 =Vitamin
A酸 = Tretinoin(這邊單指第一代,各代英文名稱不同)
茶樹 = Tea tree
杜鵑花酸 = Azelaic Acid
硫磺 = Sulfur
過氧化苯 = Benzoyl Peroxide
抗生素 = Anti-Biotics
酒精 = Alcohol
礦物油 = Mineral Oil
粉底液或霜 = Foundation
粉餅 =Puff
假睫毛 = Fake eyelashes
睫毛、眉毛膏 = Mascara
能加長睫毛外觀的睫毛膏 = Extend mascara
眼線液= Liquid eyeliner
蜜唇 = Lip gloss
指甲油 = Nail polish
透明的指甲油 = Nail Clear
化妝品和保養品的統稱 = Cosmetics
化妝 = Make up
眼妝=Eye make up
最後,給你一首好聽的英歌,還有可愛的動畫 。
Raindrops - Regina Spektor
You don't know but that's okay
You might find me anyway
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
In a town that's cold and gray
We will have a sunny day
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
I do not know
Where does it go
When it goes
Suddenly though
Everything's slow
And i miss you so
Round each corner there's a chance
People searching glance to glance
Moving bout real fast
Like insects and fish when they're scared
And they sing the same old song
Though it's been so very long
They sing, raindrops falling on my head
But that doesn't mean that i am dead
And i do not know
Where does it go
When it goes
Suddenly though
Everything's slow
And i miss you so
You don't know but that's okay
You might find me anyway
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
In a town that's cold and gray
We will have a sunny day
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby