2009年8月31日 星期一


"The Butterfly Effect"


Some people want to forget the past, some people want to change it.

...remember we were kids and I used to have those blackouts?

Some of those memories - they're coming back to me.

There are moments of life what we choose to remember,
生命裡的某些片刻/瞬間 moments of life

Do you think that we'll be together forever?
we will be together forever...哈 很常見到


and some memory, we can never forget.

All I know is, by reading these journals........(聽不出來~"~)

I think twice about what you are doing.

You could wake up a lot more **** up than you are now.

I haven't seen results like this before.
But what if you could go back in time.
in time - 及時 (eg. I was just in time for school. )


Think of it like a movie.
You can pause ..rewind ..or slow down
pause 暫停 rewind 倒退 forward 前進

Could you save the one person that matters the most
matter 是一個很常用的單字,當動詞的話是"認為…重要/值得",所以the person matters the most就是對你來說最重要的人,one 是加強與語氣。而matter當名詞的話,指"事情,問題"

Honey, are you alright?

Kelly! it's..you. Incredible!
Incredible - 難以置信的。credit這個字妳應該很熟悉,credit card 信用卡,所以credit有 信任/信用 的意思。而後面加上-ble就變成形容詞"可信的",比如說eat變成eatable, drink變成drinkable。
credible前面在加上否定的In- 就變成難以置信了!

I lost you once and I'm not losing you again.

You never lost me! what are you talking about?
what are you talking about? - 妳在說什麼?? 很實用呢!

You got a nice life.

You stay away from us you .....
stay away from... - 離...遠一點


What about Kelly? Is she alright?

if I can go back to the beginning. I might be able to save her.
be able to - 有辦法,有能力

Just tell me if you see anything weird.

blablablabla (聽不懂)

change one thing

Kelly ... That you were happy once ...with me.
once - 曾經

change everything

Why don't you go back and save me?

How are you doing this?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
would指未來的時間, 所以當你想要表是我未來不會怎樣怎樣,就可以用 I wouldn't + V

You can't change who(what) pepole are without destorying who they were.
destory - 毀滅,破壞。這句話很有意思,妳想改變一個人就必須毀滅他的過去。哈,我不太會翻。

Everytime I tried to help someone ..everythings just goes wrong
goes wrong - 這個片語也很常用,就像字面上的意思,走到錯的方向,出錯。

oh my god, what do we do? (?)

you can't play GOD!


2009年8月28日 星期五


n. 失眠




Something About Fart

When you eat, you don't swallow just your food. You also swallow air, which contains gases like nitrogen and oxygen. Small amounts of these gases travel through your digestive system as you digest your food.

Other gases like hydrogen, carbon dioxide (the gas that makes soda fizzy), and methane are made when food is broken down in the large intestine.

All of these gases in the digestive system have to escape somehow, so they come out as farts!

v. 吞,嚥
1. take a swallow of water 喝一口水.

n. 氮氣

n. 氧氣

n. 氫氣

carbon dioxide
n. 二氧化碳(carbon就是碳的意思)

n. 甲烷

digestive system
n. 消化系統
消化餅也是用這個字,digestive biscuits

n. 腸
1. large intestine 大腸
2. small intestine 小腸

vi. 逃走,逃跑,逃脫



敏感 = Sensitive Skin
正常肌 = Normal Skin
痘痘 = Pimple或Acne Skin
油性肌 = Oily Skin
乾燥肌 = Dry skin
混合肌 = Combination
老化肌 = Aging skin
頭髮 = Hair
毛孔 = Pore
開放性粉刺、黑頭粉刺 = Open Comedo
閉鎖性粉刺、白頭粉刺 = Closed Comedo

乳液 = Lotion
霜 = Cream
油膏 = Ointment
化妝水 = Lotion或Toner(後者只用在化妝水)
液體 = Liquid(常接化妝水或卸妝液)
溶劑 = Solution(不是乳液就是化妝水)
精華液 = Serum
精油 = Essential Oil
花水、純露 = Hydrosol或Floral water
肥皂(傳統偏鹼性) = Soap
肥皂(塊狀洗面乳) = Bar
慕斯 = Foam(通常是用在洗面乳)
粉 = Powder
撕劑 = Peel(常用在拔粉刺的撕除面膜上)
面膜 = Mask
凝膠 = Gel
棒狀 =Stick(常用在棒狀護唇膏、遮瑕膏上)
噴霧劑 = Spray

洗臉 = Cleansing
卸妝 = Make-up remover或Cleansing (make-up就是化妝的意思,wear make-up)
收斂劑 = Astringent
美白 = Whitening
抗老 = Anti-Aging
抗氧化 = Anti-Oxidant ( anti- 有"防止"的意思 )
保濕 = Moisture、Moisturizing、Hydration、Hydrating ( mousturize 這個字也頗常使用, 使濕潤)
抗皺 = Anti-Wrinkle或Anti-Aging、Anti-Age
除斑、去疤 = Anti-Blemish
殺菌 = Antibacterial
沐浴乳 = Body Wash
洗手乳 = Hand Wash
去角質 = Scrub或Exfoliation :)
按摩 = Massage
護唇膏 = Lip balm、Chapstick
防曬 = Sunblock
仿曬 = Sunless tan(仿曬和防曬相反,擦了會變黑的,瓶子上看到tan的就是了)

果酸 = Fruit acids或AHAs
水楊酸 = Salicylic acid
維他命 =Vitamin
A酸 = Tretinoin(這邊單指第一代,各代英文名稱不同)
茶樹 = Tea tree
杜鵑花酸 = Azelaic Acid
硫磺 = Sulfur
過氧化苯 = Benzoyl Peroxide
抗生素 = Anti-Biotics
酒精 = Alcohol
礦物油 = Mineral Oil

粉底液或霜 = Foundation
粉餅 =Puff
假睫毛 = Fake eyelashes
睫毛、眉毛膏 = Mascara
能加長睫毛外觀的睫毛膏 = Extend mascara
眼線液= Liquid eyeliner
蜜唇 = Lip gloss
指甲油 = Nail polish
透明的指甲油 = Nail Clear
化妝品和保養品的統稱 = Cosmetics
化妝 = Make up
眼妝=Eye make up
最後,給你一首好聽的英歌,還有可愛的動畫 。
Raindrops - Regina Spektor

You don't know but that's okay
You might find me anyway
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
In a town that's cold and gray
We will have a sunny day
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby

I do not know
Where does it go
When it goes
Suddenly though
Everything's slow
And i miss you so

Round each corner there's a chance
People searching glance to glance
Moving bout real fast
Like insects and fish when they're scared
And they sing the same old song
Though it's been so very long
They sing, raindrops falling on my head
But that doesn't mean that i am dead

And i do not know
Where does it go
When it goes
Suddenly though
Everything's slow
And i miss you so

You don't know but that's okay
You might find me anyway
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby
In a town that's cold and gray
We will have a sunny day
Don't you know that i
Belong arm in arm with you, baby

2009年8月27日 星期四


What do you love

A color? A feeling? A way of living? The view from your bedroom window? Having all your spices in order? You know what you're passionate about and what works for you. That makes you the best person to design your home.

"You" is the secret ingredient that gives your home that little something extra.

Start with what you have, like moving your sofa a new spot. The add a colorful rug, a new chair or some storage. Done! The reward is instant.

in order

1. keep…in order 把…整理好
2. arrange things in order 把東西收拾整齊


(a.) 熱情的, 情慾強烈的, 易怒的
1. She smothered him with passionate kisses. 她熱情的吻得使他透不過氣來.
works for you

1. Any method is all right if it works for you.

(n.) 成分,材料;構成要素
1. What are the ingredients of the cake? 這蛋糕是用哪些原料做成的?
(n.) 貯藏,保管,存放

(n.) 額外的[特別的]東西
(a.) 額外的,臨時附加的,特別的
1. extra time 額外時間
ET兩個字母就是取自英文單字extraterrestrial,來自地球以外的。字首extra(外部的)加上表示領域、區域或地方的TERRITORY字首 TERR(領域)而成。而你熟悉的extraordinary"特別的","奇異的",或是"出類拔萃的",同樣也是出身於字首extra,加上表示普通的單字ordinary,就形成了extraordinary這個"非常優秀的"字彙。 (原文)

(n.) 酬勞,獎賞 (也可以當動詞)
1. in reward for 作為…的獎賞
有一個跟reward很類似的單字,叫做award (n.) 獎,舉凡大大小小的獎都是用這個字,比如說:Emmy award 艾美獎. a Grammy award 葛萊美獎.

(a.) 即時的,緊急的
1. an instant remedy 緊急補救措施
2. instant coffee. 即溶咖啡.
(n.) 即時,瞬間
1. in an instant 立即,馬上

It's the bits and pieces that tell you you're home.
Home is the most important playground(遊樂場).

A private space for you and 30 of your favorite sweaters(毛衣).

Turning moring rush hour into quality time.

Is exactly what it's intended for...living in
intended (a.) 為…打算(或設計)的
The book is intended for children. 這本書是為兒童寫的。

2009年8月26日 星期三


n. 詞彙
1. His English vocabulary is limited. 他掌握的英語詞彙量有限.

v. 討論;議論;
1. Mr. Wood refused to discuss the matter. 伍德先生拒絕討論這件事。

n. 內容, 容量
1. The play lacks content. 這齣戲缺乏實質性內容。
a. 滿足的,滿意的;甘願的[(+with)][+to-v]
1. She seems content to live with him. 她似乎很滿意與他生活在一起。

adv. 最近,新近,近來
1. Recently she has changed enormously. 近來她的樣子變了許多
2. Have you read books recently? 你最近有沒有看書?
3. There have been some very bad storms recently. 最近有好幾次嚴重的暴風雨

v. 使毀滅[毀壞]
1. ruin oneself 毀掉自己.
n. 毀滅[沒落]的原因,禍根
1. Drink will be the ruin of him. 杯中物早晚會毀了他.
n. 遺蹟,廢墟

n. 感情,情緒
1. Love, hatred, and grief are emotions. 愛,恨和悲都是情感。
2. with emotion 激動地.

a. 相像的,類似的
1. They look very similar to each other. 他們的樣子長得很像.

v. 達到(目的), 完成(任務), 實現(諾言)
1. They have accomplished their mission successfully. 他們成功地完成了任務。


1. Michael Buble - Home

Another summer day
has come and gone away
In Paris or Rome...
but I wanna go home
...uhm Home
may be surrounded by
a million people I
still feel all alone
just wanna go home
I miss you, you know

And I've been keeping all the letters
that I wrote to you,
Each one a line or two
I'm fine baby, how are you?
I would send them but I know that it's just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that

Another aeroplane, another sunny place,
I'm lucky I know
but I wanna go home
I got to go home

Let me go home

I'm just too far from where you are
I wanna come home

And I feel just like I'm living
someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
when everything was going right
And I know just why you could not come along with me
This was not your dream
but you always believed in me...

Another winter day
Has come and gone away
in either Paris or Rome
and I wanna go home
Let me go home

And I'm surrounded by
A million people I
still feel alone
Let me go home
I miss you , you know

Let me go home
I've had my run
baby I'm done
I gotta go home

Let me go home
it'll all be alright
I'll be home tonight
I'm coming back home"

Khalil Fong - Orange Moon

there we sat among the thousand
fools just like us
but not so in love like us
there we spoke of all my feelings
and dreams were born like that
and we hope for love like that
now your dreams have changed, we're far apart
i don't know when or where to start
deleting you from my mind
i want to stand with you again
i hope to find you here again in the eternal sunshine
i'll search for the orange moon
that lit up our love on the ocean
while i held your hand
and i'll watch all the waves from the stones where we gazed to the golden sun
if i see the horizon
glow just the same as it did when we stood on hills
and i'll make the arrangements
just wait on that corner for me

and if you dropped me a line
i'll be sure to make these arrangements

lay your head upon my shoulder
i'll sing a tune or three sweet melodies for thee
softly speak to say 我愛妳
why do you leave
my heart is at your feet
but i'd like to share three words again
parse these words with you again
if you think it's possible
and maybe i can pull you close
whisper in your ear again
that i want you in my life forever
i'll search for the orange moon
lit up our love on the ocean
while i held your hand
and i'll watch all the waves from the stones where we gazed to the golden sun
if i see the horizon
glow just the same as it did when we stood on the hill
i'll make thee arrangements
just wait on that corner for me

you're like the summer rain that cools me
it soothes me
you are the person i'll pray for everyday
maybe we'll sit on those stairs once again
maybe we won't and i'll have to pretend
you will be here
in my imaginings
faint imaginings
i'll search for the orange moon
lit up our love on the ocean
while i held your hand
and i'll watch all the waves from the stones where we gazed
to the golden sun
if i see the horizon
glow just the same as it did when we stood on the hill
i'll make the arrangements
just wait on that corner for me

if you dropped me the line
i'll be sure to make these arrangements

3. 文章閱讀

Fearless Love

In this book, the vampire sees an unsurpassed attractiveness in Bella. To the vampire, she is practically a delicacy that is fresh and wonderful like no other. Edward swears to protect her, but at the same time, he has to keep himself from hurting her. How can film producers resist such an action-packed love fantasy?

There are four books in the "Twilight" series. The first installment was adapted for the big screen in 2008. The second and third installations will be filmed and released in 2009.

One thing worth mentioning is that Robert Pattinson, the British actor who plays Edward, is avant-garde and attractive in his fashion taste. He overthrows all other vampires and captures the hearts of the young female audiences.

A Young Lady and Vampires

Bella: A young lady who loves sunshine, hates rain, has a maverick personality, and a loner inclination. To give her mother more time to spend with her boyfriend, she decides to live with her father. By doing this, she sets forth on a thrilling romantic adventure.

Edward: With reddish-brown hair, ebony black eyes, a well-proportioned body, and slender fingers, Edward has the ability to read the minds of others, but cannot penetrate Bella's thoughts. He had been seriously ill when he was seventeen years old, but after being cured by his foster father, he became an immortal vampire.

The Cullen family: Is a vampire family that coexists peacefully with humans. The head of the family is a doctor and the foster father of Edward His wife was human while still alive, but now has been turned into a vampire. All their adopted children are pale-skinned vampires.

2009年8月25日 星期二


- youth hostel

- get off work
1. get off work early / late
2. work overtime 加班

- 正式的名稱叫做 menstrual period
1. my periods 但一般人都會這麼說
2. my mences 也有人這麼說

vt. 安排,(事先)準備,籌劃
1. arrange my schedule
vt. 整理,整頓,排列
1. arrange things in order 把東西收拾整齊.

n. 狂熱;激情;熱情
1. with great enthusiasm
(發音點這裡 http://www.nciku.com.tw/search/en/detail/enthusiasm/26127)




Janice 衛蘭 - Morning

When I hear the birds start singing
I wanna see you
Hoo, hoo, do do do do do...
When I see the leaves start fallin
I wanna see you

The only thing I'll do
Don't you know Is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start ticking
I start to miss you

Ooh.. The only thing I'll do
Is gonna dream of you
Wanna stay by by by your side
You are my everything
You are my only link
To the angel's wings
Talk about love love and
I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing
Like snow fallin' in spring

(You know every morning)
When I hear the birds start singing
I wanna see you

Ooh.. The only thing I'll do
Is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start ticking
I start to miss you

Ooh.. The only thing I'll do
Is gonna dream of you
I found my angel in my life
I cannot see why I cannot see why
We can't be in love till we die
Wanna stay by by by your side
You are my everything
You are my only link
To the angel's wings
Talk about love love and
I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing
Like snow fallin' in spring
One day we'll spread our wings
You and me da, you and me da...
Spread our wings do..do...do....
Wannabe wannabe wanna
I wanna be,be your lover
I'll run to you...ooh...


Babyface - Red dress

Top of the morning
Thinking of you
Plan my day
My list of to do
Stop at the cleaners
Pick up my suit
Make reservations for two
Buy you some flowers
Get you red roses
Make sure you notice
That I'm with you
'Cause this is my first night with you
So put on your red dress
Put on your dancing shoes
Put on some smell good
I wanna romance with you
I just want it perfect for you
One perfect night for two
Put on your red dress
It's going down for you
Call you at seven
Right on the dot
Pick you up early
Tonight's gonna be hot
Stop for some cocktails
Let's set the moodHave a martini cosmo or two
Sit down for dinner
On Fifth Avenue
Baby go clubbing girl
Yeah just me and you
It's gonna be my first dance with you

*So put on your red dress
Put on your dancing shoes
Put on some smell good
I want to romance with you
I just want it perfect for you
One special night for two
Put on your red dress
It's going down for you


adj. 笨拙的, 難堪的, 不便的
1. in an awkward position 處於尷尬境地
2. an awkward silence. 令人尷尬的沉默

vt. 妥協, 和解, 讓步
1. compromise on the terms 在這些條件下妥協.
n. 妥協,和解,彼此讓步;折衷方案
1. make a compromise 妥協

vt. 欺騙, 作弊
1. His wife was cheating on him while he was away.他外出期間妻子對他不忠

vt. 建議,勸告,推薦,介紹
1. I recommend that you 我建議你用這種防曬油.
2. Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?

1. coldplay - the scientist 看著歌詞,把歌聽兩遍,可以的話就跟著一起唱吧。

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are.
I had to find you, tell you I need you,
Tell you I set you apart.

Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions,
Oh lets go back to the start.
Running in circles, Coming in tails
Heads on a science apart.

Nobody said it was easy,
It's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be this hard.

Oh take me back to the start.

I was just guessing at numbers and figures,
Pulling the puzzles apart.
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart.

And tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start.
Running in circles, Chasing tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy,
Oh it's such a shame for us to part.
Nobody said it was easy,
No one ever said it would be so hard.

I'm going back to the start.